
Showing posts from May, 2015

Liquid lipsticks kinda day

Sebagai ibu-ibu kormod, gw amat sangat termakan sama review orang soal Borjouis Rouge Velvet Edition. Liquid lipstick yang sangat dipuja-puja karena keluaran drugstore tapi hasil macem lipstick mahal. Awalnya gw gak gitu tertarik sampe gw baca review soal liquid lipstick ini di beauty blog favorit gw, yang mana ini orang semua make-up dan skincarenya muahaaaalllll semua eh tiba-tiba kepincut Borjouis! wowww... harus coba banget deh ini! Karena selalu abis di counternya dan di Sephora gw nitip sama suami yang lagi dinas ke China, alhamdullilah dapet walaupun bukan shade yang gw mau banget.. gw ngincernya Happy Nude Year sama Don't Pink of it, dapetnya Nude-ist. yowislah. Pas udah selese di eksekusi, gw tanya harganya berapa dan hampir aja ngejengkang dari kursi saking kagetnya! masa kalo di rupiahin jadi 327ribu!!!! lipstik drugstore di bandrol semahal itu disana!! and not even my first choice!!! grraawwwllllll... tau gitu gw gak jadi nitip. FYI, di counter resmi harganya 188...

This Year's Wishlist

May and June are our family's celebretion months. Started with hubby's birthday on May 9th then mine on May 25th, follow with our wedding anniversary on June 2nd and last... our beloved son's birthday on June 3rd! so packed! :D Speaking about my birthday... im going to be 28 years old and i am really confuse of which thing i should want to be my present this year!  2 years ago, i just asked hubby to take me to fancy lunch at The Cafe Mulia Hotel because i felt i was so content back then and i didnt need anything new on my wardrobe, beside i was counting the day to deliver my first baby to the world which was the greatest gift ever.  Last year, i was so specific wanting Kate Spade bag for my birthday present and Mandarin oriental's famous Cronut for my birthday cake. This year.. oh boy.. i want and need so many things! 1. Since i just signed up for gym member so i need a medium size gym bag! i've been eyeing on Nike, moreless like this one 2. T...

Our weekend menu

Salah satu hal yang gw tunggu-tunggu disetiap weekend adalah... masak apa ya? sejak punya dapur sendiri gw jadi suka banget ke dapur dan eksekusi resep-resep, tiap Jum'at pun grasa-grusu cari resep online tapi tetep paling favorite kalo pake buku resep! apalagi buku resep yang terakhir gw beli (Primarasa keluaran Femina) ada foto step by step-nya... favoriiiit. Kalo online gw suka banget mantengin Foodtube-nya Jamie Oiliver.. easy peasy baby! Grilled cheese with smoked beef.. my ultimate FAV! So called Egg Benedict, minus hollandaise sauce Pancakes with beef sausages Honey Lemon Shot.. gak rutin sih, kalo lagi ada lemon di kulkas Chicken lemon Herbs with French Fries Cumi saos tiram & Tumis Kailan Aglio Olio with Pan Seared Tuna Fish and Chips with homemade Tartar sauce Patty Mozzarella Burger Gw emang jaraaaaaaaaaang banget masak masakan Indo karena udah pasti gak enak! hahahaha plus kalo liat ingridientnya udah bikin pusing ke...

500 Days of Summer

Back to 2009 (OMG that was six year ago!) i used to love this movie so very very much! i love every detail of it, so head over heels with Zooey Deschanel who played Summer, LOOOVEEEEE  the soundtracks, every tiny details, the only thing that i hate is its ending. I kept asking why Tom couldn't make it to the end with Summer.. that finally these two cutie broke out. i just hate it. couple days ago i re-watched this movie but turned out i have different view now. i feel so relief that Tom didnt make it to the end with Summer cos Summer is completely bitch and he deserved more than that!  I feel so pity for Tom Hansen.. so pity that i also feel pity for Joseph Gordon Levitt who played Tom. Lebay i know.. but i am the drama queen, please bear with me. Then i realized that in real life, Joseph Gordon Levitt married to this badass woman! she's a robot scientist. OH YEAH. and i feel so much better. Summer who?  

[Revisit] Playground Kemang

click here for the complete review of playground It's our 2nd time playing here! Sebenernya mau nyobain Playparq, tapi pas lihat foto-fotonya kok kayak lebih seru buat anak 3 tahun keatas, dan waterplay-nya juga biasa sazaaa.... anyone experience Playparq? please do share with me! :)   Kalau kunjungan pertama Playground-nya sepi bener, yang kemarin ini ruameeee bener! terus anak gw jadi yang bingung gitu mau ngapain.. mungkin dia shock!   Anyways.. gw doyan banget deh ke tempat-tempat main outdoor macem gini (walaupun panas membara) i do realllllllly wish playground-playground super terawat dan bersih macem ini bisa banyak bermunculan. If only i had the money.. gw beli deh franchise-nya buat bangun di Jatibening, Bekazheee... oh Gosh... my neighborhood is too boring *____*

HYDE -- Kemang

Hari sabtu kemarin kita makan siang di Hyde Kemang. this is my first time dining here! #Telat #Amat apalagi tujuan utamanya kalo bukan mau nyobain cacing-cacing coklat buatan Chef Odie Djamil. Setelah sering liat reviewnya dan juga foto-foto Hyde di socmed, i thought the restaurant is big shiny glass thru that brighten up the whole resto. Tapi ternyata enggak.. cuman 2 bagian aja yang terang benderang sisanya reman-remang tetep. Nah kebetulan bagian Daze dan Linger (bagian yang terang ebnderang) udah di reserved buat event.. sepertinya bridal shower menilik dari settingan table-nya. So, kita dikasih tempat di pojokan, the most unflattering spot with another family with baby. kurang endang buat foto-foto. Le baby was sleepin! Per-Fect-To. kadang cuman pengen makan dengan tenang tanpa harus buru-buru karena harus ngejer anak kicik yang lari kesana kesini dan tangannya usil banget ngejatohin segala jenis barang diatas meja.     What we had that day: ...