
Showing posts from February, 2017

Grand Lucky Haul

My very first vlog inspired by those Trader Joe's, Costco, Whole Food hauls that i 've been watch ing religiously these past months! Anyone has the same addiction with me? :D :D

15 Februari 2017

Remember the time when we talked about Grey's Anatomy like there's no tomorrow? Remember the time when you sent me mixtape and forced me to like it? Remember the time when i borrowed your Brother And Sister DVD then life treated us differently and i didnt have any chance to give it back to you? Remember the time that we became from good friend to perfectly strangers? We used to goofing around then we had much different path that keep us apart.  Until last month i called you for hours and i miss you so much, everytime i watched TV and there's sarcasm in it, i always thought to call you and laugh about it but i didnt. i never did. "Nyet, tahun lalu tuh gw binge watching mindy project...asleeee lo pasti bakalan suka deh, sarcasm abis.. sarcasm at its finest nyeeet...kocak banget! just the way we like it!" "iya nyet, nanti ya kalo gw udah sembuh... gw tonton tuh si mindy" Nyet, maafin gw ya. gw gak bisa bantu apapun pas lo ...

Recipe : Roasted Chicken with Potato

Resep aslinya bisa dilihat disini . Tapi gw banyakin lagi herbs-nya abis takut hambar karena gw punyanya rosemary dan thyme versi dried bukan yang fresh. Ingredients: - 5 potong ayam - 3 potong kentang, cuci bersih kulitnya dan potong sesuai selera - 6 siung bawang putih, unpeeled - 1 buah lemon, zest and juice - 1 tbsp dried Rosemary - 1 tbsp dried thyme - 1 tbsp paprika powder - 1/2 tbsp garlic powder - 1/2  tbsp salt n pepper - 1/2  tbsp salt n pepper & 1/2 tbsp oregano untuk bumbu kentang - olive oil How to: 1. Di wadah besar masukan potongan ayam, lemon, dan semua herbs. Aduk rata dan simpan di kulkas min 20 menit (kemarin gw simpen semaleman) 2. Panaskan oven pada suhu 225 dercel 3. Rebus kentang selama 10-15 menit (tergantung besarnya kentang, cek pakai garpu untuk lihat sudah lembut apa belum). sisihkan. 4. Ambil baking sheet (gw pake pyrex) dan oles dengan olive oil supaya tidak lengket. Taruh potongan kentang dan bumbui d...