Sophie's Authentique -- Senopati outlet

After had unpleasant time at Nolita, Husband offered me to lighten up the mood with my favorite chocolate cake at Sophie's Authentique. We went to their newest outlet at Cikajang Senopati. Their Cikajang Outlet little bit smaller than their Kemang Splash one (btw, their Kemang Splash already closed) but still cozy and the ambiance also so "Sophie"

I opted their Almond Choco cake which tasted.... heavenly! for me their Choco cake is simply the BEST in town! Sorry Paul!
And for Canele... as in Indonesian people always said.. "Tergantung amal dan ibadah!" hahaha.. sometimes really good sometimes not so much and this time, unlucky us we got the not so much ones.

Anyway, when husband made paymet at the cashier, its the french man himself who served him. He was really nice and made converstaion with husband, he said our son just like his nephew and they both started talking bout little boys. So very nice! i mean i thought he didnt pay attention to the customers as he was the boss but turned out he still pay attention to us, his local customers. Maybe Nolita's staffs can learn a lot from him! 


  1. Someday musti kesini niyh. Almond Choco cake nya sangat menggoda iman!!!!

    1. sangat-sangat menggoda! gw aja jadi ngiler lagi pas ngereview di blog :D

  2. dulu pas mash ngantor, hobi gw sm temen2 pasti nyobain resto baru di senopati-gunawarman dan sekitar nya (secara kantor di BEJ) sekarang gw bagaikan anak desa setiap ngeliat postingan kafe2 baru..secara laki gw males beneeerr ke jakarta kalo ga ada urusan penting -___- uda gitu di sekitaran rumah gw banyak banget cafe dan coffee shop yang padahal tinggal ngesot doank tp ttp aja lohh dese kaga mau..pijimanaaa coba mau mamer di sosmed (jadi curhat)

    1. Gw juga kalo udah mendep di bekasi maleeesss banget kemana2 lagi.. macet ke arah jakartanya mana tahaaaan....
      Tiiis... bisikin dong cafe n coffee shop hitsnya bekasi! abisnya susah bener loh cari review cafe2 di bekasi gitu

  3. haha gw ga tau sih,dis ni cafe nie hits apa buat nongkrong2 lucu sih boleh laaa..kalo yang dekat rumah gw ada tomm's coffee,chiyo,dr.waffles,carrington,sausage n drinks,head n brew,eight coffee sm yang mau buka ada eat happens..dari semua nya sih yang tempt nya paling gede dan oke kaya nya eat happens..cobain donk trus di review hehe (ngelunjak)

    1. eat happens yang di tebet rame pooollllll...
      bolelah gw mampir2 ke bekasi kota.. maklum kaakkk kita bekasi pinggrian :P


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