Hawaiian Bistro -- Grand Indonesia

Last friday i took day off from office cos there was a teacher's day celebration at my son's school. After that i arranged some lunch date with my high school girlfriends. Since many of em worked and stayed near Thamrin so Grand Indo it is!
I remember there was a cute bistro near The People's Cafe so i searched it on zomato and shared it with girlfriends and we agreed to have our lunch there. Too bad one of us didnt make it, well maybe next time!

Anyway, It's been loooong time since my last restaurant review, so.. here's review... a short one! :p


Look at that wallpaper! OH MY GOD IM IN LOVE! this must be Elsie Larson Approved! btw, Elsie is one of the lady behind this pretty blog
It was Friday lunch time and the Bistro is practically empty, well perfect for chatting and laughing out loud!
Moreover to the F&B, i opted Strawberry Mint (35K) for me and Lychee Tii (35K) for my Nanny. I love mine, it was so refreshing and they served it on big glass.
I opted Kalua Duck Egg Benedict (75K), too bad i had well done poached eggs.. Boo! the waitress suggested to replace it with new one but i was soooo hungry so i told it's Ok. At least she had nice gesture by asked nicely. Overall, the taste actually really good, duck was so tasty but the hollandaise sauce was too thick so i got bloated easily and i only could finished half of it.
For my threenager i opted Paniolo BBQ served with rice for (65K). basically it's a chicken rice with BBQ sauce, a simple dish for your kids since they dont have any kids menu. my Nanny asked for the same things. In the end, nobody finished their meal.
I dont know with my friends' opinion but i found Hawaiian Bistro's dishes turned out just so-so. Maybe we didnt try their best seller menu? cos in Zomato their rating are pretty high. 4.1 out of 5.


  1. Aku pernah coba Hawaiian Bistro pas baru buka di Discovery Mall Bali waktu itu. Makanannya emang so-so, sih, cuma masih okelah. Entah karena di Bali atau apa, menurutku di sana juga agak kemahalan. Mungkin karena kita "bayar tempat" juga kali, ya. Lokasinya pas banget di depan pantai, jadi sambil nge-meal sambil nikmatin pantai hihi


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