Now Playing : Sigur Ros - Hoppipolla

Sigur Ros, sebuah band dari Islandia dengan lagu-lagunya yang punya melodi (IMHO) sangaaaaaat indah!
ditulis menggunakan lirik islandia dan disispin pake bahasa Hopelandish alias bahasa Sigur Ros yang diciptain sama Jonsi, one of their band's member. 1 word beybeh.. Genius.
biar dikata gak ngerti maksud lagunya apa, berhubung melodinya enak banget dipake ngayal..jadinya tetep suka!
and my most favorite song is Hoppipolla.
setelah googling sana sini, dapet deh beberapa pengertian dari Hoppipola

"Georg Holm explained on the meaning of "Hoppipolla": "We like to play with words a lot, put two words together for example, and make a new word out of it. It means jumping into puddles. It should be two words but it's almost like a name now. The lyrics describe an atmosphere, a memory or something, like being a kid jumping into puddles, falling down and getting a nosebleed, getting back up... It doesn't really matter when you're a kid." taken from here

"It's about feeling like a kid, especially when you're not of that age anymore (which is portrayed in the video). The song is remembering these joyful feelings of jumping into puddles where all you can do is fall, get a nosebleed, but get back up again. It's a naive and wonderful atmosphere that doesn't have to leave once you get older but life's about letting go and reliving these old memories" taken from here

kalau dari dua pengertian diatas, Hoppipola itu mengenang masa kanak-kanak yang bahagia, when we are so carefree and happy.
In my own representation of the meaning of Hoppipolla is remembering those old memories which we cannot move on from because it was to good to be true. our glorious era.
and my glorious era is not my childhood. believe me, i have beautiful and memorable childhood but my college days won me over.

My college years...what can more i say? it was 4 years of happiness, of course there were also sadness but heck, it didnt matter cos happiness covered all those sadness memories! my golden years!
Masa kuliah dihabiskan di UNPAD Jatinangor, di daerah ndeso itu gw bener-bener mengalami masa kejayaan dalam hidup. Gak butuh waktu lama buat beradaptasi jadi anak kosan, in fact, i was enjoyed it so much. so damn much.
kehidupan pertemanan pun bisa dibilang paling seru, baik sama temen kuliah maupun sama temen se-kosan. 
yang jadi korban tentu saza pacar waktu jaman itu yang kebetulan tinggal di jakarta, nasibnya jadi pacar yang terlantar! hahahahaha... i was so busy with my friends that i dont have time even for 10 minutes for lovey-dovey phone conversation! pelis deh...sibuk sosialisasi nih! *cailah**cuih*
beneran deh, kalo diinget-inget sekarang..ya envelopeee...kehidupan gw kok dulu seru amat yak!?
Bahkan, gw lebih susah adaptasi lagi pas balik ke jakarta for good.
Duh inget banget, saking kangennya jatinangor disaat ngabuburit, gw sampe nangis di meja makan! hahahaha padahal meja makannya rame keluarga lagi ngumpul sambil nungguin bedug... kok rasanya beda, lebih kekeluargaan sama temen sendiri.  
Sampe sekarang, setiap ramadhan, gw selalu merindukan Jatinangor teramat sangat.
Dan setiap dengerin Hoppipolla, semua kejadian yang memorable di Jatinangor langsung muncul di pikiran.. like it was played in movie clip mode, taken with Lomo camera for more dramatic effect.
*kemudian nangis 7 ember*


Anyways, what's your Hoppipolla? share with me! :D


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