Saved by Raffel's

Bukannya gak mau bersyukur, tapi beneran deh... Senin itu rasanya kayak minum puyer alias PAHIT! eerrgh.
Jetlag setelah 2 hari full sama si bocah benar-benar bikin setiap senin gw nelangsa.... pagi-pagi udah sibuk liatin camera roll mantengin foto anak yang diambil weekend kemarin, if it's not enough, dilanjutkan dengan nontonin video-video lama.. Yeuk mareee... who's with me?

Anywaaays, i found my own cure for this sadneess. Yep, good food! raawwwrrrrrr....
And Thank God... KoKas has Raffel's, my ultimo favorito house of sandwich! it's been a while since my last Panini cos i always stick with their Roast beef sandwich most of time (cos it's waaay cheaper) so today, i chose Panini
Roast Beef Cheddar Panini for 52k
OH MY GOODNESS THIS SO GOOD. The toast was so crisp and so good i lost for words, for the roast beef... well, what more can i say except delish?
this was definitely highlight of my Monday! well it could be my everyday's highlight if i can afford this every lunch ;p


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